Revolutionary product for startup companies collects a single fee to maintain your business

Co. on Hold (CoH)

Unlock Your Potential

About Product

We are dedicated to helping startups waiting for investments by providing a unique solution for maintaining companies which are early stage.

DD Protect +

Waiting for investment? Great! But you have to protect yourself for raising the round. We protect you and make it lucrative to make investment for the investors.

Investment Protect+

Heavy investments would have been made for the day of incorporation till the your MVP. You got to protect your back from the agencies and avoid penalties.

Ignite & Revive

Revive yourself from your drawbacks faced in rounds. Non-Compliance is a big trouble only if you are growing

white cat sleeps under white comforter
white cat sleeps under white comforter

Contact Us

Our services include company compliance, tax management, and legal compliance.

Founders unaware of compliance requirements? No problem, we take care of end to end compliance. This product is specific to the first time entrepreneurs who are unaware of the compliance requirements.

We maintain it for a clear take off.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table


an airplane is flying in the sky with clouds
an airplane is flying in the sky with clouds

We ensure that your company remains active and ready for future opportunities.

The day ripe for investments is unknown, so keep your company due diligence ready for the investors to invest in your company.
